
Version 163 (modified by pdissaux, 5 years ago) ( diff )


visit also Ellidiss Software

Methods and Tools for the Development of Mission-Critical Software-Intensive Systems

Size and complexity of Software increase dramatically in new systems.
Moreover, it plays a more and more critical role in many application areas such as avionics, space, ground transportation, automotive, medical devices or nuclear plants.
Like in many other engineering domains, size and complexity can be mastered by putting more effort in the early stages of the software development life-cycle.
This is also the way to go to increase at the same time quality and productivity for a software intensive project.

To achieve these goals, Ellidiss offers products, technologies and services that are focused on:

  • An industry proven software design methodology (HOOD).
  • A rigorous architectural design language for the software within its execution environment (AADL).
  • A set of verification solutions at model level to solve software performance, safety or security issues as early as possible in the development process.



AADL Inspector



















en français

Ellidiss Technologies propose des méthodes et outils pour le développement des systèmes critiques à forte concentration de logiciel. La taille et la complexité des logiciels s'accroit considérablement, y compris dans les systèmes les plus critiques comme l'avionique, le spatial, les transports, le médical ou le nucléaire. Pour ce type de projets, la plus forte part du cout de développement est dépensée dans la correction tardive de problèmes, souvent générés lors des phases initiales de conception. En fournissant des solutions pour améliorer la qualité en amont lors de la conception architecturale des logiciels, Ellidiss contribue à l'augmentation de la performance, de la sureté et de la sécurité des produits, tout en réduisant de manière significative les couts de développement.

Les trois activités de la société sont:

  • La maintenance au long cours et le support technique de ses outils en operation dans des programmes industriels majeurs tels que les A340, A380 et A350.
  • Le développement de nouveaux outils de modélisation et d'analyse supportant des standards industriels tels que HOOD, AADL ou SysML.
  • La participation à des projets collaboratifs de recherche ou industriels.

Ellidiss Technologies est membre des clusters suivants:

in English

Ellidiss Technologies provides methods and tools for the development of mission critical software intensive systems. The size and complexity of software increases dramatically, even in the most critical systems in avionics, space, ground transportation, medical devices or nuclear plants. For this kind of projects, the highest part of the development costs are spent in late debugging activities to fix issues that where mostly introduced during the early design phases. By providing solutions to improve the quality of software architecture design in the early stages of the life cycle, Ellidiss contributes to increase the performance, safety and security of the products while significantly reducing the development costs.

The company runs three strongly interconnected activities:

  • The long-term maintenance and end-user technical support of its development tools in operation in major high demanding industrial projects such as Airbus A340, A380 and A350.
  • The development of new modelling and model processing tools using industry proven standards such as HOOD, AADL or SysML.
  • Contribution to applied research projects and partnership with academic laboratories and industrial stakeholders.

Ellidiss Technologies is a member of the following clusters:


For commercial enquieries about the Stood product, please contact
For other products and services, please contact

Our offices

UK office:
Triad House
Mountbatten Court
Worrall Street
CW12 1DT
Tel:+44(0)1260 291449

French office:
24 quai de la douane
29200 Brest
Tel: +33 (0)298 451 870
Email: info @ (
GPS: W 4.485° N 48.383°

Ellidiss Technologies,
SARL au capital de 7600 Euros SIRET 451 223 606 00026, RCS Brest, APE 5829B, TVA FR 37 451 223 606

private area

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