
SVN Documentation

SVN Commands

  • Checkout : create/import a svn project from a repository on a server to a local computer.
  • Update : update your local svn project snapshot. Apply other user modifications on your local snapshot.
  • Commit : apply your svn project modification (update the repository).

The SVN lifecycle is the following :

  1. Check out a svn project from a repository :
svn checkout svn+ssh://user@server/svn_project_directory
  1. In that project, create or edit files and subdirectories. If a file or a directory is created, it must be added with the following command :
svn add name
  1. Update your local copy from the repository, picking up changes your team members may have made since your last update :
svn update
  1. Go to step 1. If you're ready to commit your changes, go to step 4.
  2. Commit your changes to the repository. Go to step 2.
svn commit

Ellidiss SVN Configuration

There are different ways of connecting to the repository :

  • The recommended way (a password is asked for each operation). The user must have an account on the server and be in the svn group.
  • The samba mounting way (easier to use with windows) or on the local server (in that case, it is not necessary to put the server's name, file:///). The svn repository must be shared on the local network.

For example, with cheddar project :


If the repository directory has changed (i. e. from /home/projets/svn/cheddar to cheddarSrc) or if one want to change the repository connecting way or ..., the following command can be used :

svn switch --relocate source destination

For example,

svn switch -relocate svn+ssh://jerome@linux2/home/projets/svn/cheddar/trunk svn+ssh://jerome@linux2/home/projets/svn/cheddarSrc/trunk

User Interface Tools

Tortoise SVN (windows)

In windows, one can use tortoise svn :

This tool is directly integrated in the windows contextual menu.

Rapid SVN (linux)

In linux, on can use rapid svn :

Last modified 13 years ago Last modified on 02/16/11 16:44:55
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