
Version 1 (modified by Jerome, 2 years ago) ( diff )


Video Documentation

Taste Video Tutorials

Tools use for the taste video tutorials (Debian) :

  • SimpleScreenRecored : use to record the video.
  • : use to convert the text from the demo script to actual voice (the voice use was ashley, us female).
  • openshot video editor : use to edit the video and voice.
  • handbrake : use to transcode the final video in order to reduce its size (between 5 and 10 % ratio!).

Workflow :

  1. find an example using the taste tools.
  2. make the text script corresponding to the example creation and what one want to show.
  3. convert the text to voice using text-to-speech : one recording by sentence in order to facilitate the video editing.
  4. record the demo with SimpleScreenRecored : with this tool multiple sequence can be recorded (suspend/resume). This can be useful because it is easy to make a mistake during the recording and correct sequence can be keep this way.
  5. edit the video with openshot video editor : combine the video record and the voice.
  6. Finally, use handbrake to reduce significantly the size of the video produce by openshot video editor.
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